See webinars from Toronto Seedy Saturday 2022 & 2021 here: https://seedysaturdaytoronto.ca/toronto-webinars/
Seed Saving
Seed keeping with Soul Fire Farm 15 minute video shows why and how to save seeds. |
Saving Seeds from Herbs and Flowers Webinar on how to save seeds from popular herb and flower plants. |
Saving Our Seeds, Saving Ourselves One hour webinar on the science of saving seeds and how to do it. |
How to Store Seeds Storing seeds for winter |
Planning and Planting Your Seed Saving Garden Tip sheet from Seeds of Diversity on how to plan and plant a seed saving garden. |
Container Gardening
Ideas for Growing Container Gardens Big and Small Evergreen’s Lead in Urban Agriculture, Isaac Crosby (aka Brother Nature) gives a tour of the gardens at Evergreen Brickworks and shows what you can in containers. |
Balcony Gardening for Beginners Resource from Miinikaan Innovation and Design on choosing plants for your container balcony garden. |
Growing a Small Vegetable Garden on a Balcony Video shows how to transform a small balcony into a container food garden. With Vietnamese and English subtitles. |
Growing vegetables using a self-watering planter How to grow green onion, cabbage and lettuce and using vegetable roots in recycled bottle planters. |
Building a self-watering planter Step-by-step guide created by FoodShare on how to build a simple self-watering container for growing plants. |
Starting herbs from cuttings How to propagate basil, mint, oregano and rosemary at home on a windowsill. |
Sprouts & Container Gardening with Soul Fire Farms Includes tips on small-scale food growing including sprouts and growing crops in containers. |
Soil Health & Composting
How to make a vermicomposting bin Step-by-step video on how to build a vermicomposting bin and benefits of using Red Wiggler worms for composting. |
Composting for beginners Homemade compost soil. |
Building a 3-bin composting system Presentation created by FoodShare on how to build a 3-bin composting system for your garden. |
How to create a no-till garden Leah Penniman of Soul Fire Farm explains the benefits of no-till gardening and steps for starting no-till garden beds. |
Other Resources
Seed Starting
Seed Starting Tip Sheet from FoodShare Tips for starting vegetable and herb seeds indoors including materials needed and steps from starting seedlings to transplanting. |
How to select seeds Niki Jabbour on how to select seeds (Lee Valley) |
Seed Starting Guide Collection of resources created by Gayla Trail of You Grow Girl on how to start seedlings. |
Testing the germination rate of older seeds Guide to testing germination rate of seeds including supplies needed and step-by-step process |
Recycling and reusing seed starting pots Tips for reusing seed starting pots from Galya Trail of You Grow Girl. |
Simple DIY seed starting tray Demonstrates how to make a simple DIY seed starting tray using basic materials. |
Starting seedlings in a greenhouse Step-by-step process for starting seedlings with suggestions for supplies needed including growing medium, containers, labels and seeds. |
5 seed starting mistakes to avoid Jag Singh explains five common mistakes with seed starting and how to avoid. |
Garden Planning
Growing a lot of food in small space Tips for garden spacing and types of beds etc. |
Small scale house garden Things to look for before starting a garden. |
Raised bed garden tutorial How to plan and build a raised bed for small-scale food growing. Includes all the supplies you need to build a raised bed and tips for placing the bed to maximize sun exposure. |
Choosing plants for shady spaces Tips for growing food crops in shady parts of the garden. |
Succession Planting Resource sheet created by FoodShare on how to use succession planting to maximize your garden space and your harvest. |
In the Zone – Native Plant Gardening Website with tips for growing native plants in southern Ontario. |
Garden Maintenance
Tips for Watering your Garden Best practices for watering your vegetable garden. |
Brother Nature series – weeds, vermicomposting, 3 sisters gardening, clay pot irrigation Isaac Crosby shares tips and tours of the Indigenous gardens at Evergreen Brick Works. |
Sundance Harvest urban farming videos Founder Cheyenne Sundance gives tips on growing a variety of vegetables, transplanting, fertilizing and watering. Strong focus on food justice and empowering BIPOC, youth and non-binary growers. |